Open Street Map XML/.OSM Parser

Parsing the XML Files of the Open Street Map. Current API support: 0.6

Open Street Map XML/.OSM Parser


Parsing “.osm” file which is either exported from “” or generated in similar manner with Open Street Map.


Maven Central License: The MIT

implementation group: 'net.mahmutkocas', name: 'osmparser', version: '[VERSION]'

How to use

OSMParser has static function called “parseXML(String)”, by passing file path one can easily parse the XML file.

    OSMDocument osmDocument = OSMParser.parseXML(file);

OSMDocument provides parsed OSM Nodes, Ways and Relations with getter methods.

    Map<Long, OSMNode> nodeMap = osmDocument.getNodes(); // Returns nodes.
    Map<Long, OSMWay> wayMap = osmDocument.getWays(); // Returns ways.
    Map<Long, OSMRelation> relationMap = osmDocument.getRelations(); // Returns relations.

Returned values are maps. Keys are the IDs of the elements. By calling “.values()” method, one can get values.

    List<OSMNode> nodes = nodeMap.values(); // Raw Node List.

Filtering by Tags


List<BasicRouteModel> routeModels = osmDocument.getType(Tag.Type.HIGHWAY) // Only returns highways.

Possible BasicRouteModels are OSMNode, OSMWay, OSMRelation. Also see “isTypeAll” and “isTypeAny”.

Getting Vector Data of the Route Model(Lat Long)


// Assuming routeModels contain at least one item.
List<LatLon> highway = routeModels.get(0).getPath();

Note: OSM’s XML file may not contain all the information about “Relation”s it provides. So “getPath()” method may throw NullPointerException for these relations.